Business Basics Virtual Class

Tues, Feb 18th, 10-11:30am CST
Intro Rate of only $25!!! With Amy Patee

February Focus: Breaking Down Your Sales Funnel (We will break down the components of a healthy sales funnel—how you turn a curious person into a paying client. We'll explore lead magnets, freebie offerings, email automations, paid offerings, and more!)

How do you move the needle forward in your business? Through small, consistent, amplifying actions. Come explore and invest in one key element of your business and learn how to build and/or refine it with a small group of like-minded, conscious entrepreneurs. 

In this fun, creative, and supportive class, you will:

  • Get grounded, centered, and aligned with your highest potential for success through an opening meditation
  • Learn about one essential part of your business (and the what, why, when, how, and where of it)
  • Be guided through a step-by-step process for building and/or refining this business element
  • Have a chance to share, ask questions, and receive feedback from me (Amy)

You may have gotten into business because you have a special gift to share with the world, not because you are 'good at doing business'.

This class will offer you an affordable, supportive, and easy-going space to learn about your business, begin creating and/or upgrading your strategies, and be inspired by others on a similar journey. 

After registering you'll receive a confirmation email with a link to submit any specific questions you have relating to the class theme of the month.

business basics class product card